• Question: whats the most rarest treatment for cancer you discovered

    Asked by tararyan to Naomi on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Naomi Elster

      Naomi Elster answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      I’m not too sure what you mean. The group of scientists I’m working with discovered a way that some cancers are different from other cancers and my job at the minute is to look at lots more cancers to see if I can discover what they did. This is to make sure that the discovery is what we call statistically valid – if you discover something in one out of two, that one could just be a chance, so you can’t say you discovered something in 50%. Whereas if you look at hundreds of things and 50% of them have a difference, then your difference is definitely there. If we can confirm this discovery we can start to get information on its effects and the best way to treat patients whose cancers are different.
