• Question: would you be more like a marine biologist or a zoologist?

    Asked by aimee to Andrew on 13 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      hi aimee

      I am definitely a very very general zoologist. Although really these days I work more on evolution and ecology of both animals and plants. I am currently working on marine fisheries, vultures in south africa, brain size in apes and monkeys, how stable ecosystems are over time and why some animals live longer than others.

      In my spare time, I have done some scuba diving, but i dont get enough time anymore to do it properly. Diving with manta ray at night was one of the best things ive ever done. This is not my own video, but is just like what i did! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOQhvSLgGjI

      – andrew
