• Question: what sciences did you take for your leaving cert? i love zoology but i hate physics and do not want to take it for my lc!

    Asked by nadia to Andrew on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      hi nadia. For my leaving cert i did biology, physics and chemistry. I also did geography which is counted at a science subject (at least in Trinity). Of all them, I love biology the most and then physics even though i didnt do all taht well at it. I didnt really like chemistry at all – too much learning chemcial reactions to purify minerals bored me! Once I got to Trinity to study science, I really enjoyed chemistry and i didnt take physics. Instead i focused on all the biology subjects and also did some geology (study of the earth) which i really liked.

      Physics is really really useful though. In hindsight, i kind of wish I had done more physics even though it was hard. Knowing a bit of maths and how the world works in terms of things crashing into each other and the transfer of energy is very helpful to biologists… but not necessary. Biology, and particularly zoology, is so general that you can always find something that you can do and interests you.. .with or without physics or chemistry!
