• Question: did you like science in school?

    Asked by pfinnegan to Aggelos, Andrew, Eileen, Naomi, Shane on 9 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by sarahbrannigan, naoisekeane, fionabreen.
    • Photo: Shane Bergin

      Shane Bergin answered on 9 Nov 2012:

      Sometimes…. Exams are exams no matter what subject they’re in. TY was brilliant!

    • Photo: Aggelos Zacharopoulos

      Aggelos Zacharopoulos answered on 9 Nov 2012:

      Science in school was great for me. I still remember the day that I first learned about the electromagnetic waves and how we can use them to watch TV. Or the day I learned how to calculated the hypotenuse from the two perpendicular sides of a triangle.

      There are some bits of knowledge that never leave you!

    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 11 Nov 2012:

      I particularly loved biology and geography in school. I quite liked physics and maths but for some reason i never worked as hard at it as I should. I am really bad like that; if something doesnt grab my interest or if im not good at something immediately I tend to not try hard at it. I got better at this as i got older though. I really like chemistry in University having not liked it at all in School. And now I absolutely love maths, physics and computer programming. Funny how things change.

      Im really glad now that I can follow my interests and change what I learn about and teach so that I no longer get bored.

    • Photo: Eileen Diskin

      Eileen Diskin answered on 11 Nov 2012:

      I did, sometimes. It depended on the subject. I never really liked Chemistry or Physics very much – I prefer things in science that I can see with my eyes, like zoology…animals are big and moving around, so its easy to study them – compared to chemistry, which is often a lot to do with very tiny things!

      But I was lucky and had some really good teachers, who made even the science things that I didn’t like as much interesting, at least some of the time…like in chemistry when we got to mix things and make them bubble or explode 😉 And a different teacher I had to would make little rhymes or raps about science. Since I was never very good at taking tests, I liked it when we got to actually do things (and not just memorize chapters in a textbook!)

    • Photo: Naomi Elster

      Naomi Elster answered on 12 Nov 2012:

      For the most part, I did, especially biology. But I didn’t like all of the science that I did in school – while I wanted to learn everything about human biology that I could, I really didn’t like learning about plants, and I wasn’t interested enough in physics to do it for the leaving cert. But once I got to college I was able to study the areas of science that interested me the most and leave the others behind, which was fantastic. And nobody likes the leaving cert, no matter how much they love a subject!
